Insider Media Client Becomes Amazon Best Seller

by JPH
May 19, 2017
in branding, earned media, media training, News, press release, publicity, social media marketing, storytelling
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Congratulations to a long time Brandstory Communications client Linda Collinson (seen below with Legendary Actor George Hamilton) of Infusion Sciences, DewBerry Lotion, and Youth Infusion. Yesterday her book, Don’t Tell Me No! became an Amazon Best Seller! It is an honest and inspiring story of her many challenges in becoming a very successful entrepreneur.
Brandstory Communications is VERY PROUD to have provided a variety of services to Linda including national publicity.
Story Via the Washington Business Journal:
Entrepreneurial Mom’s Book Don’t Tell Me No! Becomes Amazon ‘Best Seller’
BALTIMORE, May 19, 2017 — Linda Collinson turned a kitchen table receipt meant to heal her baby into a natural skin care line serving consumers worldwide. She eventually sold that company for millions of dollars. Collinson can add a new attribute to her eclectic biography which includes the release of her new skincare lotion, Dewberry Lotion by Infusion Sciences. She is now an Amazon best-selling author.
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